
What Different Exercises Can I Do For Upper Abs and Lower Ab

Trying to work your upper abs and lower abs can be difficult and frustrating. Especially when you’re trying to get a 6 pack. It will have you asking yourself, “What different exercises can I do for upper abs and lower abs”. So, what I’m goin to do is try to work your upper abs and lower abs can be difficult and frustrating. Especially when you’re trying to get a 6 pack. It will have you asking yourself, “What different exercises can I do for upper abs and lower abs”.

So, what I’m going to do is share with you some exercise tips that will work both your upper and lower abdominal muscles. That way, you will be able to have a great-looking 6 pack.

The exercising tips for upper and lower abs are:

1. The first exercise you can do to work your abs is full crunches. There are machines in gyms that will allow you to do this exercise. However, if you aren’t a member of a gym or if your local gym doesn’t carry the machine, you can do it on the ground.

What you have to do is lay flat on the ground and do a regular crunch, while simultaneously doing a reverse crunch. I know this may sound a little complicating, but it isn’t. To do a reverse crunch, all you have to do is lift your butt up off the ground. You should feel a squeeze in your lower abs.

This will help you work both your upper abs and lower abs. You should do 4 sets of 25 of this particular exercise.

2. Another different exercise that you can do for upper abs and lower abs is hanging leg raises. This exercise will work your lower abs mostly, however it is still good for your entire midsection, including your oblique muscles.

You should do 3 sets of 15 of this exercise.

3. The third exercise to do that will work your upper abs and lower abs is incline sit-ups. You can do this on the incline bench at your local gym. This will work your entire mid-section, as well. Be sure you do 4 sets of 20 of this exercise. Feel free to visit to know more about – health tips

These are some exercise tips that will help you work your upper and lower abdominal muscles. If you are serious about getting a 6 pack, be sure to use the tips above. Now that you have the answer to the question, “What different exercises can I do for upper abs and lower abs”, go and get yourself a nice-looking midsection.

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